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Misati Blog

Blog with technical articles about metal stamping with transfer presses, robotic processes and fastening of parts in all king of tools

Advantages of small and narrow clamps

Apart from an important saving in cost and consumption, Misati clamps save space in the tool.

How to Increase Robot Productivity?

One of the key factors to obtain the maximum productivity is to lighten the weight or load to be handled by the robot.

Adjustment with Master Sheets: 30 Minutes

Thanks to the system of Master Sheets conceived by Misati, putting a lightweight transfer can be shortened to 30 minutes.

Advice on the Application of Elements

Misati has launched a free and confidential service to provide advice on the application of Misati elements in order to ensure the best technical solution and reduce costs.

Misati high-temperature clamps
Lightweight robot grips for hot stamping applications

Hot stamping is a technology that is becoming increasingly popular in the automotive industry due to the benefits that these sheets bring to the vehicle: better performance in the event of a collision, less fuel consumption due to their lower weight.